Posts Tagged ‘The Boom Bang’

VIDEO UPDATE: Brother Gruesome, The Boom Bang and DEERPEOPLE at Vault (Feb. 20) PART TWO

February 23, 2010


Now that I have your attention, please take a look at the remainder of video coverage from Vault’s show Saturday.

Your ears won’t thank you, but your heart will.

VIDEO UPDATE: Brother Gruesome, The Boom Bang and DEERPEOPLE at Vault (Feb. 20) PART ONE

February 21, 2010

If you didn’t get a chance to catch up with why Brother Gruesome is worth buying a cassette player for then watch as Todd Jackson and Levi Watson tear up Vault.

Jackson had lost his voice celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but something about the rawness of his vocals added to the intimacy of the show.


I know who to blame if I ever lose my hearing.

The Boom Bang.

The loudest band in Oklahoma played one of its most energetic sets to date. Climbing amps, throwing tambourines and general madness was everywhere. Keep your eyes on these kids to do some bigger than big things.

VIDEO UPDATE: “on.” episode 16 (part 1) – Josh Jones of Evangelicals singing “How Do You Sleep?”

February 16, 2010


Todd Jackson of Evangelicals will be in Stillwater this Saturday with his dynamic duo of a band, Brother Gruesome.

Stillwater’s own DEERPEOPLE and The Boom Bang from OKC will be playing as well.

To celebrate, “on.” will be featuring videos all this week from The Evangelicals.

Also, here’s a reminder of the show.

PICTURE UPDATE: Shots from The Boom Bang at The Speakeasy

January 25, 2010

boom bang title

“on.”  caught The Boom Bang playing Friday at the 51st Street Speakeasy. Here are a few shots from the show.

the boom bang

the boom bang

the boom bang

2010 predictions and anticipations in the music world

January 11, 2010

I wrote this little story for the Daily O’Collegian.

Although I just regained the ability to construct full sentences after the Flaming Lips and Stardeath and White Dwarfs exploded my mind at their third annual New Year’s Eve Freakout in Oklahoma City, I’m still going to pull myself together to make music predictions for 2010.

On the grand scale, I’d like to see Kanye West make an album that’s fun to hear. If I have to listen to one more depressing roboballad, then I’ll drown my laptop in the bathtub with little remorse. Speaking of West, 2010 will be the end of the auto tune.

It will occur when Owl City of “Fireflies” fame will auto tune an already auto tuned song. The results will be fatal and fiery, but will sound only OK.

On a more local level, I hope every artist I mention will be household names by the end of the semester.

The Non, an instrumental quartet from Oklahoma City, will release one of the smartest and most interesting albums of the year. “Tadaima” comes out next week, so luckily the world doesn’t have to wait long.

The new songs are so technical they could puzzle a dozen engineers, but they’re also as accessible as bad food from Taco Mayo. Make sure to give The Non a listen.

Stillwater acts Colourmusic and Other Lives have new albums in the works.

Colourmusic’s upcoming “Pink” album is going to freak people out in the best way possible. The upbeat, sing-a-long style of the old Colourmusic is swallowed in a single gulp by a loud, bold rock style.

Simply put, Colourmusic now sounds mean and that’s good.

After our ears recover from Colourmusic, they can find comfort in Other Lives. The Stillwater natives traveled throughout the U.S. last year and even played Lollapalooza in Chicago.

Expect more soulful, melodic tunes from Other Lives this year.

As far as live shows, make sure to check out Taddy Porter, The Boom Bang and The Pretty Black Chains if you want your socks rocked off.

To relax, check out Sherree Chamberlain, The Uglysuit and Ali Harter, who’s playing in Stillwater at the end of this month.

It’s freezing now, but all this music should keep you warm.

VIDEO: The Boom Bang exploded Stillwater

September 7, 2009

This house party music video surfaced after The Boom Bang played the first week of school. It’s worth mentioning that many fireworks were involved in the making of this production. Kudos to the editing talents of drummer Charles Whetstone. The video of the song “Spies Like Us” looks like a combination of an oil spill and “Cloverfield.”